Tears Of The Kingdom How To Get The Phantom Armor Set in TotK

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The Phantom Armor set is one of the more difficult armor sets to locate in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. We had to run over multiple places of Hyrule to find it, and it’s scattered through numerous regions, so you’ll have to do a bit of traveling to help narrow down each location.

Tracking down these specific armor locations for the Phantom Armor set will take a bit of time, but it’s worth your time while playing Tears of the Kingdom. You’ll want to bring plenty of gear to find these armor pieces, as they are not easy to track down.

Related: Tears of the Kingdom – How to Get More Heart Containers

Where to Find All Phantom Armor locations in Tears of the Kingdom

The Phantom Armor is scattered between three unique locations in Tears of the Kingdom. Although you can stumble across these locations, you can also narrow down these locations by speaking to unique NPCs who are walking around these locations. They’ll give you slight hints about where to find them, but they won’t tell you that’s what you’re looking to find.

You can find the Phantom Armor set split into three unique locations and pieces: The Phantom Armor chest, Phantom Greaves, and the Phantom Helmet.

How to Find the Phantom Amor Chest Location in Tears of the Kingdom

To track down the Phantom Chest piece, you’ll need to make your way to the Tamio River Downstream Cave. You can find this location to the south of Hyrule Ridge before you reach the Gerudo Highlands. You’ll find this down below, close to the end of the river in this region.

When you arrive, there are several Horriblins guarding this cave. You’ll want to take them out quickly and then advance forward. However, in the larger cavern, you’ll encounter a pile of Gloom Hands. This adversary is extremely difficult to take down, and we died in our attempts to reach this cave. You’ll want to be careful. From here, we took a Sticky Potion because this cavern is wet, and we climbed up the middle rock formation to reach the chest at the top, unlocking the Phantom Chest in Tears of the Kingdom.

How to Find the Phantom Greaves Location in Tears of the Kingdom

The next piece will be the Phantom Greaves, and you’ll need to make your way to the Gerudo Desert. You can find this location on the southwest part of the map, and the exact location you need to visit is to the south of the Champion’s Gate and of the Siwakama Shrine. Head down south from here, and you’ll find a number of sand pools that you can fall in.

You do want to fall into one of these, and you’ll want to find the third from the middle, on the bottom of the set. We have that marked for you above. When you arrive inside, you’ll encounter the chest at the bottom.

How to Find the Phantom Helmet Location in Tears of the Kingdom

The final chest will be a bit more difficult to track down and it contains the Phantom Helmet. You’ll need to proceed to the south of the Nette Plateau, to the southwest of Lake of the Horse God. You can find it close to Puffer Beach, on the east side. You will need to look up and find a large mountain cave mouth that you need to try and reach it. The way you do this is by using the various rockets near you, as climbing to this location is close to impossible. We had a lot of trouble trying to climb up to it and struggled to have the rockets to get us to the top.

When you arrive inside, float off, and you should find the chest for the Phantom Helmet, and you can complete your Phantom Armor set in Tears of the Kingdom.

And that’s it! Check out our other The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides below to help with crafting, exploring, and tackling challenges across Hyrule.

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About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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