Celtic Cross Tarot Reading | Tarot.com

Get the guidance you need with this classic Tarot reading. Learn More

Celtic Cross Tarot Reading Description

The Celtic Cross Tarot Reading is one of the most popular and classic Tarot readings of all time! Each card in this versatile 10-card Tarot spread delivers answers and advice for even the most complex situations.

This online Tarot reading consists of two shapes: a cross shape made up of six Tarot cards and a staff shape made of four cards. The cards that make up the cross provide insight into your life at this very moment -- the events that brought you here, the challenges you face, and the direction you're headed. The four cards in the staff shape reveal the people and advice that will help lift you from your current dilemma and bring you toward a resolution.

There is no situation too big or too complicated for the Celtic Cross spread! Ask your most pressing questions now and get the guidance you need for a favorable outcome!

Card Descriptions

Self: How you perceive yourself right now
Situation: Social or circumstantial factors that could be affecting your life now
Challenges/​Opportunities: How to turn your obstacles into opportunities
Recent Past: Events that are just receding -- recently influential but now diminishing in power
Higher Power: The broader perspective and influence of your conscience
Near Future: The direction the wind is blowing in your situation
Blockers & Inhibitions: Any self-undermining tendencies, areas where you could be in denial, or where you could get stuck
Allies: People who can be supportive or helpful to you now
Advice: This Tarot card suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible
Long-term Potential: Unknown circumstances that are still taking shape
