CS2 Best Desert Eagle Skins

First Published September 30, 2023, 23:09

Counter-Strike 2 has finally been released to the masses, with players updating their games, leveling up their skills, and upgrading their inventories. This has led to many players questioning their "outdated" Counter-Strike Global Offensive inventories and possibly changing to a new and more aesthetically pleasing inventory to collaborate with the release of Counter-Strike 2. However, with so many choices to choose from, players resort to researching the best skins. 

Fortunately, we've got you covered with selecting your new Counter-Strike 2 skins, showcasing the best aesthetically pleasing and exotic skins within the updated game. Despite prior criticism and worry from Counter-Strike skin collectors, the release of Counter-Strike 2 hasn't affected the skin economy massively, with the skin market remaining stagnant at the moment, making it safe for players to change their inventories around and have a little bit of fun! 

Table of Contents

1. Cobalt Disruption

The Cobalt Disruption has a significant amount of history behind it; being released in 2013, a year after Counter-Strike Global Offensive, the Cobalt Disruption brought excitement and colorfulness to fans and skins worldwide. However, after the release of further and rivaling desert eagle skins such as the Kumicho Dragon, players resorted to the "calmer" skins. 

Unfortunately, the Cobalt Disruption never fit with the in-game settings Counter-Strike Global Offensive provided, ridding the colorfulness and shine of the desert eagle skin and making the weapon look a little drab. This is simply because of the shader settings within Counter-Strike that have since been revamped within Counter-Strike 2, making the skin shine once again. 

The Cobalt Disruption can be purchased between the prices of $75 and $200 depending on the quality of the weapon and whether it's statrack or not. Although costing a somewhat hefty price tag, the release and hype of Counter-Strike 2 overall raised the prices of skins significantly, making weapons like the Cobalt Disruption that used to be $10 now $75!

2. Hypnotic 

Similar to the Cobalt Disruption, the Desert Eagle Hypnotic provides a visually appealing experience with its popping visual effect and ability to draw eyes. The Desert Eagle Hypnotic has a completely glimmering silver body, with patterns of black circles placed on it; contrasting the colors to make an astonishing weapon skin. The Hypnotic contains great historical value, with the skin releasing on the 14th of August 2013, forwarding an original skin into the heart of CS2.

Despite the Hypnotic not appearing appealing alongside Counter-Strikes Global Offensives' poor shader graphics, we're delighted to see the visual overhaul the weapon has received in the new global release of Counter-Strike 2. There's no doubt this weapon will act as an incredible investment skin due to its historical context and future within the current version of the game.

3. Printstream

The Desert Eagle Printstream has fortunately never failed to satisfy, with players constantly using this perfect skin repetitively throughout their playthroughs. Although this skin is heavily overused, each variant of the skin appears different due to the oil stains on the weapon, making each skin feel unique compared to other Printstream skins. Players do not have to worry about the wear of their Printstream skin, with the condition of the weapon only affecting the colors of the weapon instead of the physical skin itself, making it a more worthy skin selection.

The Printstream is an excellent choice for sticker collaborations, with players placing their favorite CSGO team stickers on the Deagle or perhaps crafting Katowice combinations. Overall, the Desert Eagle Printstream has undoubtedly been the most successful launch of any desert eagle skin within Counter-Strike, with the majority of players owning one at least once. Counter-Strike 2 has continued to honor the great visuals of the Printstream, and hopefully, this won't change!  

Will Dowey

Written by Will Dowey

Will is a freelancer who formerly wrote for Jaxon where he completed a series of CSGO skin guides, Escape from Tarkov updates, and Modern Warfare stories—additionally, joining forces with DualShockers to share expertise on the much-beloved franchise, Wolfenstein. Following behind Will is his degree in Esports, obtained at the University of Chichester, the degree acts as a foundation for his articles and his love for games. If not battling PMCs in the Streets of Tarkov and farming clips for his YouTube channel, Will is inspecting upcoming Counter-Strike skins and plotting potential purchases to fuel his inventory. 

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