Why is Makena State Park charging fees? | News, Sports, Jobs

Makena State Park has been charging a fee at both parking lots at Big and Little Beach to tourists, with locals being exempted.

This fee started out over a year ago at the beginning of COVID and the fee at that time was $5 per vehicle. Today the fee has escalated to $10 per vehicle and $5 per person. The problem is technically, Makena State Park cannot charge a fee for parking at the lots.

I can see them asking for a donation, but that’s not what they are doing. They have signs posted, a solar-powered pay station and a person that helps people operate the machine as well as enforcement of this illegal fee that’s being charged.

How are they getting away with this sham, and where does the money collected go?

The mayor and county officials should look into this and find out what agency or entity is behind this, and under what authority can they charge a fee for parking vehicles and an entry fee to nonresidents at Makena State Park.

Robert Bakmaz


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