Top 5 Fastest TTK Rifle Loadouts In Warzone 2

This guide will look at five of the best TTK Rifles in Warzone 2 and the loadouts accompanying each weapon.

First Published January 14, 2023, 11:12

Now that players have had more time to settle into Call of Duty: Warzone 2, more information regarding the weapons in the game and their strengths and weaknesses have become available. And if you're a rifle user, you'll be happy to know that we have more concrete evidence on which weapons are at the top of the line, especially regarding raw power or TTK (Time To Kill). 

This guide will walk you through the fastest TTK rifles in Warzone 2 to help you decide which is best for melting down enemies. We will also break down the loadout for each weapon to help you put down the next player that foolishly wanders into your crosshairs.

Warzone 2 - Top 5 Fastest TTK Rifle Loadouts

We put together this list of weapons with the help of popular YouTuber WhosImmortal and their video on the best TTK Rifles in Warzone 2. So if you found the weapons and loadouts below as awesome as we did, consider subscribing to their channel for more Warzone 2 content. We've also embedded their full video discussing the best TTK Rifle loadouts in Warzone 2 below this article for your convenience.

5. TAQ-56 

The TAQ-56 comes in at fifth place as its TTK sits at a sound 847 milliseconds over a distance of 44 meters, which is fast enough to shred your enemies before they know what hit them. This weapon shines in its ease of use and versatility, which can be further bolstered with the following attachments:

  • Grip - Combat Grip (+ Stability and Accuracy)
  • Muzzle - Harbinger D20 (+ Range and Damage)
  • Underbarrel - FTAC Ripper 56 (+ Accuracy and Recoil Control)
  • Ammunition - 5.56 High Velocity (+ Accuracy and Range)
  • Magazine - 40-Round Mag

4. M4

The M4 sits in fourth place, sporting a 782-millisecond TTK over 45 meters, giving it a slight edge over the TAQ-56. It does fall slightly short in terms of handling in some cases, but it's still a reliable choice, especially when paired with the attachments we've listed below. 

  • Barrel - Hightower 20" Barrel (+ Damage and Accuracy)
  • Muzzle - Echoless-80 (+ Damage and Range)
  • Underbarrel - FTAC Ripper 56 (+ Accuracy and Recoil Control)
  • Optic - Aim OP-V4
  • Magazine - 45-Round Mag

3. Lachmann 556

The Lachmann 556 is an underdog in many players' opinion, as it isn't the most impressive on this list. But with an 823 millisecond TTK over 55 meters and being one of the easiest guns to get used to, even for beginners, it takes the third spot in our list quite comfortably. 

  • Barrel - 15.9 Lachmann Rapp Barrel (+ Damage, Range, and Accuracy)
  • Muzzle - Echoless-80 (+ Damage and Range)
  • Underbarrel - FTAC Ripper 56 (+ Accuracy and Recoil Control)
  • Optic - Schlager 3.4X
  • Magazine - 40-Round Mag

2. M13B

One of the most surprising weapons on this list is the M13B, sporting an 881-millisecond TTK over 70 meters, an impressive ratio, to say the least. What it lacks in close to mid-range capabilities, it makes up for twofold over long-range gunfights, making it an absolute melter for sharpshooters. 

  • Barrel - 14" Bruen Echelon (+ Damage, Range, and Accuracy)
  • Muzzle - Echoless-80 (+ Damage and Range)
  • Underbarrel - FTAC Ripper 56 (+ Accuracy and Recoil Control)
  • Optic - Aim OP-V4
  • Magazine - 60-Round Mag

1. Kastov 762

Last and certainly not least, taking the top spot on our list (unsurprisingly) is the Kastov 762. This weapon holds a TTK of 741 milliseconds over a distance of only 70 meters, which is honestly just begging to be nerfed based on its overwhelming performance. As it stands right now, however, this weapon is undefeated in long-range TTK and has some solid mid-range performance, making it the ideal all-rounder for rifle TTK junkies.

  • Barrel - KAS-10 584mm Barrel (+ Damage and Range)
  • Muzzle - Kastovia DX90 (+ Recoil Control and Range)
  • Underbarrel - FTAC Ripper 56 (+ Accuracy and Recoil Control)
  • Optic - Aim OP-V4
  • Magazine - 40-Round Mag

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Shane Moosa

Written by Shane Moosa

Shane started his career as a freelance writer for Gamezo while working full-time as a software developer. You can often find Shane trying his hand at no-hit runs of Souls Games such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 (and being quite unsuccessful). To relax, Shane will often boot up sessions of Overwatch 2 or Hunt: Showdown, but his interests are spread across various games, from AAA titles (He loved the Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake) to indies such as Hollow Knight, Celeste, and Hades. Shane is always willing to try new games though, so feel free to drop him an email with what you think he should check out next.

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